Fun Halloween Tradition – DIY Halloween Pillowcases
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I decided I’m going to sew my daughter pillowcases for every holiday or special occasion. I’m wanting to start holiday traditions, and I specifically want this to be a new Halloween tradition.
Our Current Halloween Traditions
Besides trick-or-treating (at our neighborhood fall festival) and going over to my parents’ house on Halloween weekend, we really don’t have too many Halloween traditions as a family.
I’ve thought about making fun Halloween foods for the holiday or buying a fun set of Halloween dishes, but I really haven’t gotten around to it yet. Preparing foods just takes too much time! And that’s not something this busy Mom has right now. Maybe in a few years when both of our girls are more independent.
Holiday Pillowcase Tradition
Holiday pillowcases are an easy tradition where I can put in the work now and then enjoy the fruits of for many years to come.
I started this plan earlier this year with her Easter pillowcase. Then I followed up with a Fourth of July pillowcase and a Back to School pillowcase. As I mentioned in these posts, a few weeks before the holiday or event rolls around, I plan to get the pillowcase out and let her sleep on it until the day of.
I’m hoping this tradition will help her be even more excited for the upcoming holiday as well as give her a concept of timing. For example, Valentine’s Day happens after Christmas, and then comes Easter, etc. Now that it’s October and the weather is starting to cool down, I’m now rolling out the Halloween pillowcase!
Here’s Her DIY Halloween Pillowcase
So many Halloween fabrics are kind of scary for toddlers, so I wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case with the one I used. I like the cute ghost cupcakes!
The fabric to make the Halloween pillowcase came from JOANN. If you’re looking for your own Halloween fabric for a pillowcase, I found that our JOANN has holiday fabric pretty much year-round. Hobby Lobby and Walmart in my area only carry holiday fabric matching the season, but the designs are very cute and the fabric is a fairly good quality.
Sewing the Halloween Pillowcase
As with all my other holiday pillowcases, I used the measurements and instructions for this DIY pillowcase tutorial here. It took me less than 5 minutes to sew. The longest part of the whole project was ironing the darn fabric.
Hope you are all getting as excited for Halloween as we are! Besides trick-or-treating, what is your favorite Halloween tradition?