Baby Girl Bow Organization For Nursery

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For the longest time, I did not know what to do with baby girl’s bows and headbands. They were either laying around the house, or  I had them thrown in a drawer somewhere. I was never able to find the bow I wanted and honestly did not even know which ones we had. This was so sad because my little girl was one of those babies that looked absolutely adorable in bows. I even bought an entire some do-it-yourself bows from Etsy. They were so cute and we probably didn’t get as much use out of them as we could have. This headband hanger helped quite a bit with this.

After months of frustration, I found this gem at Hobby Lobby.

It was super cheap, and with a 40% off coupon, I got it for even cheaper. I have it hung on her wall next to the bathroom. This gives us a place to put them when she is finished wearing them and allows us to see all of our options. (I mean, she has to look cute, right?)

I also have her bow clips attached. These are super small and easily get lost. Thankfully, I never have to search the house over for them again. This nifty little hanger can be used for many different things in your nursery. I am always thrilled to find organization for baby things! There are so many things babies have so it is always an added bonus to find things to make life a little bit simpler…or neater.

An added bonus is that once baby girl grows up and no longer needs a place for all her bows, this is great tool to use in your laundry room.

Do you have any ideas as to how to organize your little one’s bows? Let me know!

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