DIY: Upcycle Your Baby Changing Table
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When I first got pregnant with my son, I wanted the dream nursery. You know, the ones you see in the baby catalogs. I didn’t care how much things cost. OK, I definitely cared how much things cost, so I bargain shopped everything. One of things I had to have was a changing table. The changing tables at baby stores were so adorable and were on the top of everyone’s must-have-list.
So, I bought one.
Between my son and my daughter, we maybe used the changing table a maximum of ten times. It was just so much easier to grab a diaper and change the kids on the floor or wherever we were at the moment. We also used the changing table from the Graco pack ‘n play. It was a life saver when they were super tiny to change their diaper and then have them nap in the bassinet. It was great knowing I could have the kids near me at all times.
I hated the fact that I paid all this money for this gorgeous changing table that we never used. I didn’t just want to give it away because I knew it had a ton of potential. So, it became our “changing storage center.” We put it in baby girl’s closet and ta-da. It holds all of our diaper changing necessities and more!
The second shelf consists of our changing pad (just because I know I can find a great use for it later) and all of our extra diapers and wipes. We also have our first aid kit there, just in case of boo boos. The third shelf is just plain storage. Inside the fabric box, I have extra diapers, wipes, bed sheets, blankets, and clothes that I have bought for future use. Since it is hidden, you could probably put whatever you want in there and no one would ever know.
I love the look of the changing table and I really do believe it takes us less space than the alternative. Not to mention, FREE. One of my favorite things is trying to find other uses for all of the things I have spent ridiculous money on. It makes me feel just a little bit better.
What did you do with your changing table?
If you are interested in crafts & DIY, see some of our other ideas, here.