What to Give A Teacher: Thoughtful Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week
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As a teacher myself, I feel like teacher appreciation week is a well-deserved week.
Teachers put everything they have into their students. It is just who we are and it is nice to be appreciated.
Both of my kids are young and in preschool. This means that each of them has 2-3 teachers.
For me, I stress about the amount of money it is going to cost me. I would love to do a million things for them to show them how thankful I am, but it is just so expensive!
So here are some ideas of what to give a teacher to show them they are appreciated!
The preschool my kids attend came out with a daily gift for the week. This was the best idea.
I was able to match the theme for the day and not break the bank. All in all, with 5 teachers, I was able to get out with less than $100. Not too bad.
Monday Gift: Thoughtful Note and/or Picture Drawn by your Child
(It’s the thought that counts!)
This was so easy and fun to make. My son had a blast making these and could not wait to give them to his teachers.
Believe it or not, the teachers appreciated this even more because it actually required time as opposed to just money.
Cost: Free
Tuesday Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea: Pampering/Relaxation Item
For this, I had a hard time at first. Then, I realized that there’s nothing better than chocolate to help you relax.
What do we do when we are stressed? Eat chocolate.
I was able to buy chocolate bars in a package of 6 so it was much cheaper. Then, I just printed out a little tag and it turned out adorable!
Cost: $3.11
Wednesday Teacher Gift Idea: Snack/Drink
I bought a package of 12 Cheez-It Grooves and attached them to little water bottles.
I always have these water bottles lying around the house, so it was perfect. The teachers are able to have a quick and easy snack throughout the day.
Cost: $1.89
Thursday Teacher Gift: Stationery (Notecards/Note Pads/Pens)

At Walmart, you can get these adorable notepads for less than a dollar. They are super cute and very useful. They are even magnetic on the back!
I chose a few different colors and gave each teacher one. I love having these around the house.
Cost: $4.85
Friday: Your Teacher Appreciation Gift Choice

On Friday, the owners of the school gave the teachers a luncheon. You could sign up to bring an item.
However, I am super weird about making food, so I chose to give gift cards instead.
I gave each of the teachers a $15 Starbucks gift card. Nothing beats allowing the teachers to buy some caffeine before facing each day.
Cost: $75
Any other ideas of what to give a teacher? I’d love to hear them for the future! We have a lot of years left of preschool and big kid school!
And if you’re looking for some more teacher gift ideas, check out these posts for more ideas: preschool teacher fabric bookmark gift idea, music teacher Mod Podge plate gift idea, and teacher must haves.