Name on Nursery Wall for Baby Boy: DIY Painted Wooden Letters

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Name on nursery wall?  Yes, I love it!

I try as hard as I can to be crafty. Most of the time things don’t work out so well. However, some of the time, I am very happy with the product. This is one of those instances. When I was pregnant with Grayson, I imagined one of those perfectly adorable nurseries. You know, the Pinterest ones. I spent hour after hour trying to find the best of everything. The perfect comforter set, artwork, furniture, etc. Eventually, I found it all…with the best deal as possible. That’s my thing. Anyway, I really wanted the kids’ names to go above their cribs. I googled everything and couldn’t find exactly what I wanted. So, I decided to create it myself.

Here is what I decided to do for my son. Maybe it can give you some ideas to help you get exactly what you want!

For the “G”

I painted it a solid blue color and then free handed the star. Now, it might take a few attempts to get this right. If you mess up, quickly wet a paper towel and wipe it off. Then, start over. If it dries, it will be much harder to correct. If any of the blue paint gets wiped off, just do another coat. The great thing about painting is that it is always easily fixed.

For the “R”

I painted it solid white and then added the light blue polka dots. There are nifty tools you can buy to get a perfect polka dot. However, I just found something around the house that was the size polka dot I wanted. When I finished, I made it a little more perfect with a thin paint brush.

For the “A”

I began by painting the entire letter white. Once it dried, I used masking tape to section off where my white stripes would be. Try not to stick the tape tight or it will remove some of the paint when you take it off. I then painted the remaining sections with a dark blue. Once it dried, I removed the tape and touched up the borders.

For the “Y”

I painted in the light blue. Afterwards, I added the border using a paint brush. Overall, one of the most simple yet fun letters. I think this is one of those designs that looks great even if it isn’t perfect. Those are my favorite!

For the “S”

The “S” is just as self explanatory as it looks. Paint the letter white and then add the outline of blue. You can use this design for almost any letter.

For the “O”

The “O” was by far the most interesting design. However, it ended up being one of my favorites. I used masking tape for this one as well. I began by painting the entire letter the dark blue. After the paint dried, I made a criss-cross design using the tape and painted the left over sections white. You will have to do a few coats though since you are covering the blue. Remove the tape, and there you go!


For the “N”

I made the “N” just as I did the “G”. I am a huge fan of symmetry. Sometimes, I think it adds a little something.

When you get done, add a clear coat to seal it and make it look shiny.

Here is the finished project!

Check out how the project to decorate the nursery wall with baby girl’s letters went!