Search Results for: birthday

Birthday Tradition Idea: Write a Letter to Baby Each Birthday in a Journal

Birthday Tradition Idea: Write a Letter to Baby Each Birthday in a Journal

I looked everywhere for a fun birthday tradition for our daughter.  One fun thing we did for our daughter’s first birthday that I thought would be meaningful later was to write a letter to her in a journal.   My husband and I each wrote our own note.  Every year, on her birthday, we plan to write…

Princess Birthday Party Ideas: Disney Food, Decorations, and Activities

Princess Birthday Party Ideas: Disney Food, Decorations, and Activities

When our daughter turned one, we threw her an amazingly large shindig. In retrospect, I cannot believe how elaborately I planned the one birthday she will never actually remember. But, I wanted her to have a special day, and in the event she grows up to hate Disney princesses (oh, what a travesty!), I got…

Baby Dedication Party Ideas for Decorations + Activities (Also Christening!)

Baby Dedication Party Ideas for Decorations + Activities (Also Christening!)

My older daughter’s baby dedication party back in 2016 was a huge shindig for our family.  I went all out with decorations, guest activities, fun foods, party favors, and more.  When it came time to plan a dedication reception for my second daughter, I felt I needed to put as much effort, creativity, and love…