Craft Room Closet Organization Ideas
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For the first time in a really long time, my craft closet is organized, and I’m so excited about it!
So, I want to show it off while it still looks good!
Having my craft supplies organized allows me to find supplies easily, and through the craft room organization process, I rediscovered so many “oldies but goodies” that have inspired some future crafts.
The Finished Craft Closet View

I love organizing items into boxes, bins, and all sorts of containers.
Everything has a proper place, and there is no mess on the floor…meaning I can actually walk in the closet to get to everything!
And everything has a beautiful label to tell me what’s inside.
How to organize crafting ribbons
Like so many other people, I used a pants hanger for part of my ribbon collection.
I then got two cute ribbon boxes from Hobby Lobby to organize another part of the ribbons. T
o the right of the boxes is a large plastic jar that holds all my fake crafting flowers.
I have two 3-drawer plastic bins stacked on top of each other also on the right side of the closet.
Since I have so many ribbons, I have the entire first drawer of the bins filled with ribbons.
Within the drawer, I used sandwich and gallon plastic bags and a little plastic bin to keep each themed ribbon together.
From the large collection of pink ribbons at the top right, you can tell at my baby shower we knew we were having a girl!
How to organize fabric
I also like to have my smaller pieces of fabric organized in one of the big drawers.
Within the drawers, I have the fabric folded in photo boxes I like to buy when they are on a good sale at Michael’s.
In my actual craft room, I have more folded and rolled fabric of the larger yardages. You can check out all those pictures in my post on how to fold fabric!
How to organize paints
My paints and all associated supplies are stored in the third drawer. The long white organizer came from Dollar Tree.
How to organize stickers, glitter, and scrapbook supplies
The next drawer in the bin is my glitter, sticker, and miscellaneous scrapbook supplies drawer.
The stickers all fit perfectly in this folding accordion sticker holder from Hobby Lobby.
Little knickknacks for scrapbooking are collected in these two small craft organizers.
I love the chalkboard labels that I have here. I’ve used them so many times, most recently at my daughter’s baby dedication party.
You can pick up craft organizers at any craft store, and occasionally Dollar Tree will have some small ones on a deal!
On the left of the drawer is my glitter collection. It is housed in an old cassette organizer! Just pretend like a few of the glitters weren’t out of place when I took this picture.
The last two drawers are just where I like to store my denim and old clothes that I like to keep for when I’m feeling crafty enough to upcycle.
Now that my craft room closet it organized, I’ll be able to find things more easily. And thus complete more projects, I hope!
How to organize decorative papers
On the floor of the closet, I like to have all my 8.5″x11″ papers organized in magazine holders.
These are so totally from the 1990’s! I upcycled some FLYT magazine files for my daughter’s craft room organization, but I kept the old-school ones for myself.
In the middle of the closet, I have this colored drawer set that I picked up from Michael’s.
It holds all sorts of goodies and small items. Check out just a couple of the drawers below.
How to organize embroidery floss
I picked up this embroidery floss box from Hobby Lobby on a good clearance, and it perfectly fits all my cross-stitching threads.
How to store yarn
All my yarn is in another drawer of the multi-colored drawer set.
Here are some of my stamps and markers. I got the little pink organizing open-face bin from Dollar Tree in a set.
Lastly, I have two smaller 3-drawer systems holding other crafty items.
I’ve posted before on how I’ve organized my greeting cards.
I also keep my scrapbook papers in a 3-tier small drawer that also holds my scrapbook stickers and glues.
It’s really convenient having these plastic scrapbook storage boxes also to keep projects and small items in. They stack nicely on top of the multi-colored drawer.
I’ve organized all my threads into a thread holder I got from JOANN.
And last but not least, I’ve already posted on buttons organization Check it out!
I’m sure the craft room organization will only last for a little while since I’m not always the best about cleaning up after myself, and my craft collection is constantly expanding.
For now, though, I will be excited that things are organized and ready for me to craft with!